When is It Necessary for Educational Technologists to Pivot Instructional Design Strategies?

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    When is It Necessary for Educational Technologists to Pivot Instructional Design Strategies?

    When it comes to instructional design, adaptability is key, as evidenced by a Founder who had to revamp their strategy after e-book feedback. Alongside expert insights, we've gathered additional answers that reflect the dynamic nature of tailoring educational experiences to meet learners' needs. From ensuring accessibility for all students to embracing diverse learning styles, discover the varied instances where professionals had to pivot their approach.

    • Revamp Strategy Based on E-Book Feedback
    • Shorten Videos After Learner Feedback
    • Adjust Strategy to Improve Grades
    • Incorporate New Technological Tools
    • Ensure Accessibility for All Students
    • Update Curriculum with Current Issues
    • Embrace Diverse Learning Styles

    Revamp Strategy Based on E-Book Feedback

    We had an instance where learner feedback significantly reshaped our instructional design strategy. We received consistent feedback from users struggling with our extensive e-books on complex topics. They found the material overwhelming and difficult to digest in one go.

    To address this, we pivoted our strategy by breaking down the e-books into smaller, more manageable micro-learning modules. This approach allowed learners to absorb information at their own pace and revisit specific sections as needed. We also incorporated interactive elements like quizzes and discussion forums to enhance engagement. The result was overwhelmingly positive—learners reported better comprehension and retention, and our completion rates soared. This experience underscored the importance of being responsive to feedback and adaptable in our instructional design approach.

    Christopher Pappas
    Christopher PappasFounder, eLearning Industry Inc

    Shorten Videos After Learner Feedback

    Learner feedback once highlighted that our video lectures were too lengthy and hard to follow. We pivoted by breaking down the content into shorter, more digestible modules and incorporating interactive quizzes. This change made the learning experience more engaging and manageable. Post-pivot, course completion rates improved by 25%, and learners reported higher satisfaction and better retention of the material. This experience underscored the importance of adapting to feedback for effective instructional design.

    Tornike Asatiani
    Tornike AsatianiCEO, Edumentors

    Adjust Strategy to Improve Grades

    Educational technologists should consider changing their instructional design strategies when they notice that the students' grades and test scores start to drop. If the data consistently shows that learners are not achieving the desired results, this could signal that the current methods are not effective. Analyzing the trends in students' performance can help pinpoint the shortcomings of the teaching approach in place.

    Implementing new strategies that are more aligned with the needs of the students could help reverse the downward trend in performance. Educational stakeholders should take the necessary steps to review and revise their techniques to better support student success.

    Incorporate New Technological Tools

    When new technological tools become available, they often offer opportunities to enhance learning in ways previously not possible. Educational technologists must remain vigilant and ready to adapt when advancements in technology create new and better ways to facilitate learning. Staying current with technological trends ensures educational methods do not become outdated.

    As technology evolves, so too should the instructional tools and strategies used by educators. It is essential to continually explore these advancements and integrate them into educational practices where they can improve student learning experiences.

    Ensure Accessibility for All Students

    It is crucial to alter instructional design strategies when learners encounter difficulties accessing the material. If the content is not accessible to all students, including those with disabilities, the effectiveness of an educational program can be severely compromised. Ensuring that materials meet accessibility standards is not only a matter of inclusivity but also a legal requirement in many cases.

    When barriers to accessibility are identified, swift action to modify content to become more user-friendly and compliant with accessibility guidelines is necessary. This ensures that every student has an equal opportunity to engage with learning materials.

    Update Curriculum with Current Issues

    Instructional design strategies may need a pivot when the curriculum begins to lag behind current real-world issues and needs. If the material taught does not resonate with or reflect the situations students face today, they may find it difficult to see the value in what they are learning. Educational technologists play a critical role in ensuring that course content remains relevant and engaging by integrating current events, trends, and innovations into the curriculum.

    When lesson plans seem detached from the present, it is important to revitalize the curriculum to ensure educational relevance. Keep lessons connected to the now to maintain student engagement.

    Embrace Diverse Learning Styles

    Adapting instructional design strategies is important when it is clear that the needs of diverse learning styles are not being met. A one-size-fits-all approach to education fails to recognize the unique ways in which individuals absorb and process information. By taking into account the variety of learning preferences, from visual and auditory to kinesthetic and reading/writing preferences, instructional methods can be tailored to offer a more effective learning experience.

    When the current strategies do not reach each student effectively, it's time to reassess and modify the instructional approach. Let's embrace diverse learning needs to uplift every student's academic journey.